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​ART Plus, a company that makes clean air

Total indoor and outdoor environmental suspended solids measuring device system ㅣ ​Air filter performance evaluationㅣ

Gas sensor tester ㅣ Fine dust sensor performance evaluation ㅣ 

Bacteria / Large particles generator l Gas generatorㅣstack monitoring for PM 

​Gas and fine dust monitoring, reduction and control performance evaluation equipment

It is a system that inspects the filtration efficiency of indoor and outdoor pollutants such as air filters, fine dust and gas sensors (simple meters), air purifiers, and health/medical/industrial masks, and our products are used as reference equipment by authorized testing and certification organizations.

Building a smart city responding to fine dust

Designing smart city creation projects for local governments, Customer-customized platform for environment/security/safety, etc. 

Air filter fine dust sensor performance evaluation system
The smartest way to control ARTI Plus

Environment ​Monitoring equipment

Monitoring of fine dust emissions from high temperature and high humidity chimneys

Bacteria/gas/large particle generation and monitoring

ART Plus, a company that creates clean air

Contact ART Plus

The smartest way to take control, 

Contact to ART Plus

​ART Plus is a technology company where particle engineering experts specialize in researching and developing fine dust reduction and control technology evaluation systems.  We supply products and services to create clean air, support the independence of the socially disadvantaged through our core technological capabilities, and continue to practice our management philosophy of complying with ethical values and laws.


Respirator Tester

The performance standards of masks responsible for individual respiratory protection vary in application regulations and test items depending on their intended use. In addition to domestic mask test standards for health, medical, and industrial use, ARTPlus complies with EN149, US 16 CFR Part 1610, and ASTM F2299. We create test equipment to verify relevant regulatory requirements. Get international certifications more easily.

Dust Sensor Tester

Since the simple fine dust and gas measuring instruments are not required to be inspected for accuracy after use, management of the accuracy and reliability of the measurement data was neglected after obtaining the initial certification grade. However, with the enforcement of the Act on Testing and Inspection in the Environmental Field in August 2021,  simple measuring instruments that provide information to the public must be inspected by an accredited testing laboratory every year. Annual inspections are mandatory, so make sure the quality of your information source is reliable.

Air Filter Tester

When evaluating the performance of an air filter to protect against air pollutants, the type of filter media and MERV rating level, as well as the application of electrical charging conditions, energy efficiency, and filter life, should be considered. There are many things to do. For example, ASHRAE 52.2 does not specify the minimum requirement threshold for particle collection by particle size, so request an air filter test evaluation report from the manufacturer to verify efficiency values.

Aerosol Monitor for Stack

Manage the number concentration of fine dust emitted from high-temperature and humid industrial chimneys in real time. Analyze trends in pollutant sources by product process and respond to environmental issues such as process improvements through emission concentration management.


We develop and sell experimental material generators required for experiments, such as NaCl and KCl particle generators in aqueous solution, microbial generators, gas generators, and cigarette smoke generators. We propose an optimized system with standard products with different generating concentrations and particle sizes depending on the user's experimental application. We provide related modules and programs for automatic control when used with a performance evaluation system. For customized system design, please call us.

Our Solutions

ART Plus, a company that creates clean air
Fine dust monitor for chimney
Excellent sustainable management company

SDGs Activity

Activities for sustainable management of ART Plus

Emergency support for families in crisis - A company with right spender

Sharing kimchi for the marginalized in the community

Supporting the independence of severely disabled 

Supporting for scientific and technological development

Supporting for university research capabilities and science and engineering students

​Supporting for technological independence in developing countries

Certifications & Awards

  • Technology-innovative small and medium-sized business (INNO BIZ)

  • Venture company, family-friendly company

  • (Youth-friendly) hidden company

  • Good company in Gyeonggi-do

  • Gyeonggi-do star company

  • ​Excellent performance-sharing company (Small and Medium Business Corporation)

  • Small and medium-sized businesses that are good places to work ((Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

  • ISO9001, ISO 14001 certified company

  • ​Presidential commendation for exemplary small and medium-sized business at the Small Business Entrepreneurship Conference

  • Commendation from the Minister of SMEs and Startups as an excellent venture company in Gyeonggi

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Award for Excellent Sustainable Management

  • Minister of Health and Welfare Award for Excellent Social Contribution

  • Gyeonggi Province Governor’s Commendation for Contribution to the Growth and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Gyeonggi Province

  • Proud Gyeonggi Small and Medium Business Award (GBSA)

Indoor and outdoor environmental management fine dust measurement standards

Virus Resistance testing Technology

* Technology for quantitatively evaluating decontamination methods (physical, chemical, self-decontamination materials) of breathable materials contaminated with human pathogenic viruses (droplet nuclei)

* Rapidly detect and measure suspended viruses in uniform concentration

* Liquidizes the captured floating virus, provides samples exceeding the PCR detection limit, and achieves a collection performance of 28 times more than that of the U.S. company S’s collector.

R&D Technology

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​ART Plus

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Business Registration  577-81-00440

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